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Volantor – Hygienizer for aviary

30,00 98,00 

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An effective probiotic hygienizator for fogging all areas in the pigeon house, in the presence of birds. Contains live, active micro-organisms, a blend of targeted herbs and essential oils that bio-disinfect the rooms and dry out droppings, naturally reducing the growth of pathogens in the pigeon house.


Hygienizer for aviary

Effective, probiotic hygienizer for fogging all areas of the loft, even in the presence of birds. It contains live, active microorganisms, a blend of targeted herbs, and essential oils that bio-disinfect the rooms and dry out droppings, naturally limiting the growth of pathogens in the loft.
Hygienizer is recommended for preventive use throughout the year in cyclical form, increasing the dosage for damp lofts or specific weather conditions.

Benefits of use

colonization of the loft and the bird’s respiratory system with beneficial microflora
acceleration of the droppings decomposition process and drying
• limitation of the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the loft
• neutralization of odors and harmful gas emissions. Leaves a healthy and refreshing eucalyptus scent, attractive to birds


Composition: contains 12 probiotic strains of bacteria, which comply with EFSA standards: Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. casei, Bifidobacterium bifidum, B. longum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus fermentum, Bifidobacterium animalis, lactis subs., lactis biovar diacetylactis, Bacillus subtilis
organic cane sugar molasses, echinacea herb, ethyl alcohol, wine vinegar, organic eucalyptus oil

Instructions for proper use

Volantor Hygienizer is intended for use in all types of lofts, year-round.
We recommend using it at least once a week. For more demanding lofts, i.e., damp or in bad weather conditions, we suggest spraying twice a week. In cases of increased odor or fungal diseases, it’s best to use Volantor Hygienizer three times a week.
To do so, measure out 50-100 ml of the product, pour it into a sprayer, and add 1 L of non-chlorinated water. Mix lightly. Spray walls, ceilings, floors, nests, and cages evenly.
We recommend spraying in the presence of birds!
IMPORTANT: When diluting the Hygienizer, always use non-chlorinated water or water that has been left standing for 12 hours in an open container.
The Hygienizer contains live cultures of microorganisms that should not be mixed with biocides, disinfectants, or detergents. This also applies to the sprayer, which should only be used for natural hygienization purposes.
The Hygienizer should be stored away from sunlight and heat sources, at a temperature between 5°C and 20°C. However, it is best kept in the fridge or a cool room. After using the product, when closing the bottle, gently press the bottle to remove excess air.

What makes the product stand out?

*Works immediately, as it contains active, beneficial bacteria and cooperating herbs that colonize the loft with beneficial microflora, restoring the microorganic balance in the hygienized rooms and eliminating pathogens.
*Fogging takes place in the presence of birds, without harming them, and even has a positive effect on their health.

Additional Information

Use non-chlorinated water for dilution, or water left standing for 12 hours in an open container.

Additional information


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Arkadiusz Zwolak

I use Hygienizator regularly and observe that there is a very fresh smell in the pigeon-house, the droppings dry very well, which is great for protection against all fungal diseases. No mould appears in the pigeon-house during wet weather. I am satisfied!

Mirosław Rosolak

I use your Hygienizator to spray the whole pigeon house. Even though we have a new, wooden dovecote I try to protect it against mould all year round. In spring, I use milder doses, while in autumn and winter I use it more often. It does 100% of its job, dries the droppings and makes cleaning up easier for me :D!!! A nice solution for busy people! Plus it smells nice and is refreshing. I highly recommend this product!

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