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RESPIRATORY SYSTEM of racing pigeons – 250/500ml

The ingredients used in KMZ-PULMO include a variety of herbs and extracts known in traditional medicine, a complex of plants used in pharmaceuticals, beneficial bacteria to combat infections, as well as essential elements, vitamins, and organic compounds that effectively cleanse and reduce respiratory system infections.

Benefits of Use

• strengthens the pigeon’s respiratory system
• increases oxygen efficiency
• moisturizes throat mucosa
• soothes throat irritation
• effectively clears the upper and lower airways
• thins mucus
• promotes a white cere
• reduces bacterial, viral, and fungal infections


revitalized and non-chlorinated water, fruit concentrate, fermented molasses,
organic, cleansing herbal extracts:
eucalyptus, spotted lungwort (leaves and flowers), oregano,
lobelia, turmeric, licorice root, ground ivy
herbal mix supporting the respiratory system:
mint, elecampane root, plantain leaf, thyme
probiotic lactic acid bacteria
vitamins C and ADEK
peppermint oil
ganoderma mushroom

Instructions for Proper Use

KMZ-PULMO Volantor is primarily intended for racing pigeons, for use in specific periods, as well as ornamental pigeons for preventive care and during illnesses.
We recommend administering KMZ-PULMO with the following options:
► in water
► on feed
► for inhalation
For preventive care, we suggest administering the product once a week, exclusively in water, using 5 ml per 1 L of non-chlorinated water.
In specific periods for racing pigeons, we recommend the following dosages:
► after antibiotic treatments, once daily for 7 days, 5 ml per 1 kg of feed
► after antifungal treatments, once daily for 7 days, 5 ml per 1 kg of feed
► during high temperatures, 2-3 times per week, 1-2 ml per 1 L of water
► during respiratory illnesses, 2-3 times per week, 5 ml per 1 L of water
► preventively before flights, 2-3 weeks prior, 5 ml per 1 kg of feed
► during flights, before and after, one watering, 5 ml per 1 L of water
► during molting, once a week, 5 ml per 1 L of water
INHALATION – we recommend it in the following cases:
► during respiratory diseases, once or twice a week
► before flights, on Thursday or Friday.
How to prepare inhalation?
Create a 10% solution of KMZ-PULMO with non-chlorinated water. Pour into an inhaler or nebulizer. Mist the pigeons and their immediate surroundings. Repeat twice a day.
IMPORTANT: Always use non-chlorinated or pre-settled water with KMZ-PULMO, meaning water left for 12 hours in an open container.
KMZ-PULMO can be combined with other Volantor series products, as well as minerals, vitamins, and plant extracts, except for garlic and clove extracts.
KMZ-PULMO contains live microorganisms, which should not be combined with biocidal agents, disinfectants, or detergents.
Store KMZ-PULMO away from sunlight and heat sources, at temperatures between 5°C and 20°C. Ideally, keep it in the refrigerator or a cool room. After using the product, when closing the bottle, gently press the bottle to remove excess air.

What Makes the Product Unique?

*Ganoderma mushroom, – an innovation in our technological process. We included this type of mushroom in KMZ-PULMO, recognized by the Chinese as a “medicinal mushroom of exceptional quality.” Recent studies have finally decoded its effectiveness. Our use is based on its multifaceted effects, including cleansing the blood, detoxifying, protecting the liver, regulating bowel function, promoting heart health, calming, and reducing cough and acting as an expectorant.
*The unique creation of this product combines two types of herbal mixes: those that support the respiratory system and plant-based cleansing extracts.
• For example: elecampane root was chosen for KMZ-PULMO due to its expectorant properties. Additionally, it soothes and calms the bird’s organs.
The herb and infusion from elecampane root effectively relieve respiratory issues, providing expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. The active substances in this plant enhance the movement of respiratory cilia, enabling mucus expulsion.
spotted lungwort (leaves and flowers) – one of the most potent herbs beneficial for respiratory function. It helps combat inflammation, as it is rich in silica and allantoin – natural soothing and anti-inflammatory substances. The saponins and mucilage in lungwort also support lung function, thin respiratory secretions, and act as expectorants.
• oregano – renowned for its medicinal properties, serves in our product to increase mucus secretion in the upper respiratory tract. Additionally, it fights bacteria, viruses, and fungi, protecting the upper and lower respiratory passages.
• lobelia – stimulates the respiratory system, dilates the bronchi, and eases breathing. It strongly activates the respiratory center, resulting in faster and deeper breaths. The raw material was traditionally used as an anti-asthmatic remedy, promoting bronchial secretion and reducing smooth muscle tension.

Additional Information

For dilution, use non-chlorinated water or water left to settle for 12 hours in an open container.

Additional information


500ml, 250ml

Tadeusz Walek

I use KMZ Pulmo prophylactically and give it according to a proven method, 2 times a week at a dose of 5 ml per 1 L of water. I also administered on the day of the basketing, which had a very good effect on a heavy flight with 27 pigeons put in and 27 at home, and colleagues with losses. No respiratory infections appeared in my flock during the entire flying season! Eliminated cringing, watery eyes, runny nose! A great success :) I am satisfied and recommend it.

Dawid Olejnik

I have been using KMZ-PULMO in my breeding for about a year now and I will admit that I have not had a problem with respiratory infections in my pigeons. If something did appear, Pulmo given as a treatment, cleared the throat and respiratory tract in a gentle but effective way. I have not noticed tearing or pigeons with swollen eyes this year. I now administer prophylactically twice a week. I am very satisfied!:)

We create our products from the best non-GMO ingredients. We only care about your good results!

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